Garden of Eden

The place where my memories stay forever.


One little step, a big leap to save our Mother earth.

The lights will stay off for one hour for an event called Earth Hour. The observance is organized by a conservation group, the World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as the World Wildlife Fund.

For the fourth year, people are being urged to turn off their lights for one hour to call attention to the issue of climate change. The group says climate change is one of the greatest threats facing wildlife and nature.

Earth Hour has done a lot to raise awareness of climate change issues. But there’s more to it than switching off lights for one hour once a year. It’s all about giving people a voice on the future of our planet and working together to create a sustainable low carbon future for our planet.

So Please, Do Save Our Mother Earth, The Place Where We Born To Be. . .


Combo Dishes During this Chinese New Year.
Year 2010, the year that i Celebrate Chinese New Years without my family accompaniment. I spent this wonderful time in Cheras with 5 other friends who also "escaped" from their home >.< (hopefully they didn't get bomb")
That night, total of 11 dishes had been cooked which named by us as 10+1 which means beyond the perfection. (sounds kinda awesome ^^)
That night two dishes were prepared by Davey and Christine, the others of cause all prepared by me. =D

The first dishes (lao sam)-the most traditional dishes which is a must to prepare during Chinese New Year. Combination of colourful ingredients (vege, egg and so on) and the source was the sweet sour plum sauce with sesame, peanuts and some red wine.

2nd dishes - Fried Shark Fin ( i think i posted this in one of my post =.=)

3rd dishes - Broccoli Wonderland

4th dishes - Sweet sour Pork ( Grandpa's memory)

5th dishes - Mix Vegetables combination of varies types of vegetables Cori flowers, broccoli, carrot and also the beans to make it as colourful as possible. ^^

6th dishes - Steam fish . (prepared by Davey)

7th dishes - Fried noodles. This is the one that i learned from my mom. With the simple ingredients to prepare the best taste of dishes ^^ COOL!

8th dishes - Fried Prawn. Fried the big giant prawn with some traditional seasoning ingredients. ( chinese red wine and with some sesame oil and salt)

9th dishes - Deep fried chicken wings. (special edition. although it looks normal but the chicken wings was super duper crispy as i washed them with vinegar before they had their swim in hot oils ^^)

10th dishes - Traditional Sesame oil's chicken soup. (i never cook this dishes before, but fortunately this dishes didn't spoiled by me.. LOL. .) ( use the sesame oil to fried the chicken meat and also the ginger and mushroom. After that pour in the water until it covered up all the ingredient and let it boil from 30-45min. If the Charcoal stove is available, the taste will be AWESOME!!!)

Okay, here come's the last dishes 10+1 no.11. This was prepared by Christine. Actually this was not included in the early manual and it just suddenly pop up and of cause need to thank Christine for this dishes. - The Dessert - Sweet soup.

Last but not least. . . The reunion Dinner... (lack of two dishes -.-
Reason - no place to put.. LOL^^)


The Wonder of Food Recipes ^^
Picture of the web founder.

I know this website through my sister few years back. Until now, i still get addicted to this website and why? The only simple reason, there are millions and millions of recipes in there. . . all the nice food, from different country, western cuisines, eastern cuisines and also tonnes of homemade self created recipes which posted by all this website supporters through their blog.

I did learn a lot of the cooking tips from there and of cause some new invented homemade recipe ^^. By the way, nowadays my main purpose of surf this web is looking and get some new idea for my assignment product and of cause some is to cook some nice d delicious food to satisfy my taste bulb ^^

here is some history about this web. . check this out. .

Allrecipes was founded in 1997 by Seattle Web entrepreneur Tim Hunt(left), now CEO, after he had trouble finding his favorite cookie recipe online. Hasn’t that happened to us all. The ad-supported recipe-sharing website began as a branch of his company Emergent Media and bla bla bla. . . . . if wish to read more here's the link for u guys ^^ History of allrecipe


Final Fantasy X2
Every FFX2 fans definitely will vote for this songs. This is one of the famous song in this Final Fantasy X2. When the very first time i exposed to this song, it has become one of the permanent song in my play list. I like the way how the singer sing this song. Kumiko Kōda was the singer for this theme and she gained fame for her seventh single, "Real Emotion / 1000 no Kotoba". Currently she is the top pop singer in Japanese. Thanks to this song, now i really get addicted to most of her songs.. -.-"

In the flow of FFX2 storyline, this song appear when Yuna manages to return to the surface and the Gullwings organize a concert to which everyone in Spira is invited, supporters of the Youth League and New Yevon alike. Additionally, the Songstress dressphere worn by Yuna is revealed to be made up of Lenne's memories, resulting in a sphere screen projecting them to everyone in attendance during the concert. Witnessing images of Shuyin and Lenne's last moments, Spira's citizens begin to understand the unproductive nature of their disagreements. The player then learns that it was because of Lenne's memories that Shuyin had mistaken Yuna for Lenne and she had felt affection toward him.


Sweet Sour Pork. . . .
My favourite dishes among all the Chinese Cuisine,
Why i like this dishes, I'm not really sure. But the only little tiny memories that i remembered about this dishes is my grandpa. This is the only dishes that he taught me while he was still with us. . .
All the little tiny single tips about this dishes i still remembered clearly. Every times he cooked , he definitely will compare his dishes with outside food proudly, and also start his life experience stories. . . . . i really miss those precious moments that i spent with my grandpa. .

sweet sour pork, i don't dare to compare mine with my grandpa's. I still never and ever to imitate and able to compare to the original taste. But I'll try my best to make it as perfect as i could and I won't let this recipe went silent in my life.

The only two pictures i took during this Chinese New Year. Since i came here nearly two years, this was the only time that i cook this dishes. It's hard to get all the sufficient ingredient for this dishes here.


Fried Rice. . . .
Fried rice. . . . hmmm . . . cook this while I feel lazy and out of any idea for my meal . Fried rice is the easiest dishes for me, it save up times for you to think what you going to prepare and cook.
While preparing this dishes, the only thing you need to know is go and find all the available cooking ingredients inside your refrigerator. Anything that you like, vegetable, meat, process food and bla bla bla . . .
White rice. Hmmm. normally those overnight rice is better than the fresh cooked rice, because it not sticky and easier to fried.
Prepare the base ingredients like onion and garlic (no ginger please), fried will brown then start "throwing" in the ingredients one by one. Meat/chicken > rice > vegetables > seasoning > done ^^
If all the ingredient well prepared, this dishes spend only 5 - 10 min to finish. Fast easy and simple especially while i'm super duper hungry. ^^
Mix vegetables with some process food - hotdog. .

Looks dark but not salty actually, because dark soy sauce was the only seasoning ingredient i added.


Fried Shark Fin. . . .
I'm not sure whether here got such dishes or not . Because i remembered while i 1stly introduce it to my friends at here, The very first comment and response from them were,"Har !? Fried Shark Fin ? are you serious? i thought it only cook in soup. How it tastes like ? "
I'm quite surprise while hearing that and really don't know how to explain at that time..... -.-"

Yes, I'm serious fried shark fin, it is a famous food in my hometown - Sibu or should i say famous in east Malaysia. It taste just gorgeous, the shark fin fried with grounded pork, egg, little green onion and also others ingredients like mushroom, onionSSSS and bla bla bla . . . (omg. . . start mouth watering...****)

About the method, precook the grounded meat and mushroom. After that, all the ingredients including precook materials all mixed into the egg (of cause shark fin is the most important one ^^) , mix well with some sesame oil and salt added (never ever add chicken stock or other strong seasoning stuff. It will spoil the original taste).
All the put in the non stick pan fried until dry. ( a little like fried Mee).

The one that i cooked while I'm still at my hometown.

and this!!!! while I'm celebrated my Chinese New Year in Cheras for year 2010 with my fellow friends. .

冰's Profile

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Simple guy with simple life ^^
Garden of Eden, a peaceful, ideal place where 冰's memories stay